Title: Rainy Days with Einkorn Bread and Peach Jam: A Comforting Ritual There’s a particular kind of magic that happens when raindrops tap against the…
Continue Reading....What an Incredible Experience to Compete on the Mrs. World Stage ✨❤️ (details in the description) A night I’ll never forget, pregnant with Flora Jo during this pageant ✨ Congrats to my successor! 👑
Competing on the Mrs. World stage is a dream come true for many, but to do so while expecting a child adds extraordinary depth to…
Continue Reading....The Story of Ballerina Farm, Pageants, and Purpose
The Story of Ballerina Farm, Pageants, and Purpose: A Journey of Grace, Tradition, and Meaning In a world increasingly dominated by modernity, fast-paced living, and…
Continue Reading....Making Lunch with Hannah – Homemade Grilled Cheese & Squash Soup with Baked Fish Henry made a rhubarb spoon cake! It was a dream ✨ from The Lost Kitchen cook book 📒📖
Making Lunch with Hannah: Homemade Grilled Cheese & Squash Soup with Baked Fish, Plus Henry’s Rhubarb Spoon Cake ✨ There are few things more comforting…
Continue Reading....Beef pie with ruff puff pastry 🍂✨
Beef Pie with Rough Puff Pastry: A Heartwarming Dish for the Autumn Season 🍂✨ As the crisp autumn air sets in, there’s nothing quite as…
Continue Reading....Flora Jo helping me teach interview etiquette – before passing on the crown ❤️✨
Flora Jo Helping Me Teach Interview Etiquette – Before Passing on the Crown ❤️✨ As the seasons change and life moves forward, there comes a…
Continue Reading....Morning Farm Chores & Goose Matchmaking A day in the life. ballerinafarm
Morning Farm Chores & Goose Matchmaking: A Day in the Life on Ballerina Farm On any given morning at Ballerina Farm, the sun peeks over…
Continue Reading....Making Lunch with Hannah – Homemade Grilled Cheese & Squash Soup with Baked Fish A perfect time for squash soup and sandwiches 🍁
Making Lunch with Hannah – Homemade Grilled Cheese & Squash Soup with Baked Fish: A Perfect Time for Squash Soup and Sandwiches 🍁 As the…
Continue Reading....Today’s Harvest of Fresh Milk from Our Family Milk Cow I’m having a moment! When dreams become reality ❤️🥹
Today’s Harvest of Fresh Milk from Our Family Milk Cow: When Dreams Become Reality ❤️🥹 There’s something magical about the early morning light filtering through…
Continue Reading....Making Lunch with Hannah – Homemade Grilled Cheese & Squash Soup with Baked Fish Before church on Sundays ❤️
Making Lunch with Hannah – Homemade Grilled Cheese & Squash Soup with Baked Fish Sundays are made for slowing down, especially when they’re spent in…
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